
The Golden Rules of POP Advertising in Grocery Retail

A few months ago, retailers were registering some fabulous numbers and analysts were already talking about a real boom, especially in the United States, where a 6.5% year-over-year growth was expected. However, March came and we all know the story. 

Many things have changed since the coronavirus outbreak, including consumer behavior. Therefore, retailers were eventually forced to improve in-store shoppers’ experience, as they didn’t want to bet everything on e-commerce. Yes, a lot of stores have been closed in the meantime but now it’s more than obvious that retailers will have to seriously rethink their strategies for physical stores. 

It’s clear that the aftereffects of COVID-19 will be felt for a long time, changing the way consumers shop - and here we’re talking especially about doing groceries - so finding new ways to keep shopping engagement high can be challenging. 

On the other side, now it’s the right time for any grocery retailer who wasn’t taking advantage of POP advertising to do it! After a few research sessions, we managed to identify what we like to call the golden rules of POP advertising any grocery retailer should at least consider in a post-COVID-19 2020.

Let’s take a few moments and discuss them, shall we?

Start with customization

Sure, it’s mandatory to have a creative campaign, with witty copy and all that stuff. But everything should be augmented by one unifying element: customization. 

Many experts insist on the value of customizing the customer experience and it’s not hard to understand why. As long as a client feels that a brand addresses them directly, they will feel like a relationship with that brand is already under development, thus making it easier for them to decide upon a purchase. Therefore, it’s essential for any grocery retailer to keep this in mind when brainstorming POP display ideas. 

Give retailtainment a try

A relatively new concept, retailtainment or experiential marketing, comes, in fact, in many forms. If you ask us, it’s all about entertaining shoppers through in-store branding experiences between them and brands, through media or a facilitating medium. And this is where Tokinomo comes in, with, as we like to call it, the ultimate POS retailtainment IoT device. 

We’re proud to say that, through our superpowers, we can bring products to life, through light, sound, movement, and interaction directly with the shopper. Pretty much the ultimate retailtainment device, if you want. And yes, it’s the kind of stuff grocery retail could really use right now, when consumer behavior has changed a lot and people are after less human interaction, putting their safety and health above everything. 

To cope with the current rules imposed by stores - grocery retailers especially - retail technology doesn’t fall into the “nice-to-have” category anymore, as now is its time to shine. Ignore it and you’re going to miss a lot!

Keep customers safe

Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 changed our lives and some of these changes are going to be around for some time. 

Grocery retailers are reporting lowered traffic, while sampling campaigns and many other in-store promotions using promoters have been canceled. But this is where POP displays come in, making sure shoppers notice products while maintaining safety measures. 

Not to brag, but Tokinomo can easily be considered a pandemic-proof solution, as our robotic POSM device can delight shoppers, by offering some of the most creative marketing experiences and keeping the distance at the same time. 

Use storytelling

A physical retailer can barely compare with an online-based one in terms of communication, so it’s quite important to find new ways of communicating value. But there is a solution here: telling the brand’s story, in an attempt to make people emotionally invested in making groceries at your store. 

Storytelling has many benefits a retailer can use, like humanizing the brand, conveying what a brand is about, and placing the focus on the shoppers. 

Many companies took important steps to tell their stories to those customers who walk into stores, including those selling strictly groceries. How? Through some well-placed and creative POP displays, people couldn’t resist. 

There’s no need to worry that you can’t find the perfect POP display as you can always find inspiration in other places. For starters, check our list with 10 innovative POP Displays CPG brands should consider in 2020. 

Don’t make a habit out of price-cutting

As any marketing student knows (or should know) pricing is one of the pillars of any marketing campaign. Therefore, price reduction strategies are widely used by retailers as it is, in fact, one of the easiest ways to make people buy.

“Hey, you can make your groceries for less money at our place, check it out!”

Yes, it works but don't make the mistake to make a habit out of this as it can have a serious psychological impact on how the value of your products is perceived by consumers. Constantly pricing your products lower than the competition is sending different messages, depending on who is listening. A value shopper will instantly think that you’re offering a bargain. On the other side, a high-end shopper, always searching for a product able to make them feel like a part of an exclusive club, will perceive this as inferior quality. 

We’re not saying to avoid price-cutting, but use this technique wisely and don’t talk about how cheap groceries are on each POP display. Sooner or later, you will begin to feel the negative effects of this. 

And this wraps it up, ladies and gentlemen. These are, at least from our point of view, those precious, golden rules you should follow to win at POP advertising in grocery retail. Again, it’s slightly difficult to find the winning formula while the market is still feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, but as long as you follow these tips and make room for them in your strategy, things should slowly get back on track. 


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