Trade marketing is a crucial aspect of any business's success in today's highly competitive market. By effectively imple...
Shopper marketing has evolved significantly in recent years, especially within the European grocery retail sector. As co...
Smells like…Mayo? You know those great commercials for perfumes in which a celebrity goes on the mountai...
Retail media has become increasingly influential in the grocery sector, revolutionizing the way brands connect with cons...
For decades, retail has relied on the same-old in-store marketing and visual merchandising techniques to increase sales. Take a walk through a nearby grocery store and you’ll find display booths, product demonstrations, and product sample offers. Not only are they competing for customers’ attention but also struggling to reach sales increases over 20%.
Tokinomo is different.
With its innovative combination of light, sound and motion technology, our robotic interactive display helps products move
Making a product become the absolute star at the shelf is no longer an issue. The Tokinomo robotic device uses a sequence of motion, light and sound to interact with the customers in a playful and memorable manner by instantly bringing your FMCG products to life.
Our robotic in-store advertising solution is easy to use, easy to install and really hard to forget once the clients get in touch with it. Check out below the results on brand loyalty and product
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Making a product become the absolute star at the shelf is no longer an issue. The Tokinomo robotic device uses a sequence of motion, light and sound to interact with the customers in a playful and memorable manner by instantly bringing your FMCG products to life.
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Integer nibh massa, tristique vitae neque ac, commodo finibus nisi. Aliquam fermentum aliquam leo, non scelerisque risus ornare sit
Our robotic in-store advertising solution is easy to use, easy to install and really hard to forget once the clients
For decades, retail has relied on the same-old in-store marketing and visual merchandising techniques to increase sales. Take a walk through a nearby grocery store and you’ll find display booths, product demonstrations, and product sample offers. Not only are they competing for customers’ attention but also struggling to reach sales increases over 20%.
Tokinomo is different.
With its innovative combination of light, sound and motion technology, our robotic interactive display helps products move
©Tokinomo. Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved. Patent awarded A201500317, Patent pending A201900056
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