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Your in-store marketing

Since we’re on a mission to make the lives of trade marketers around the world better, we’ve created an extensive encyclopedia of in-store marketing tools, techniques and tactics to help you navigate easier through the deep waters of your profession. Click on each letter to discover definitions, examples and insights brought to you by Tokinomo.  

Layaway, also known as a lay-by in some countries, is a purchase agreement between the customer and the retailer. The product or items are set aside, kept from the customer, but they receive them only once they completed their payment in full.
A loss leader is a product that is sold without making any profit and actually, it is sold at loss. A loss leader strategy is used to attract more customers and make them purchase more. The loss leader strategy is usually used by retailers that are new to the market. However, there are well-established retailers that still use this strategy to increase sales.